Sunday, February 24, 2008


It's hard to believe the season is over. It was a wild ride, lots of ups and some downs, but another great season for the Spartans. The guys did a great job at the State meet. It's always tough to hold onto a taper for an extra week, but we went in and competed at THE championship meet. Although we didn't go any faster, the guys can hold their heads high about their efforts. But, there was a definite highlight to the weekend. We scored at the State Meet for the 4th straight season! Congratulations to Jonathan Roby on his 11th place finish in Diving. I have to admit this was the 1st State Meet that I watched a lot of diving and it was AWESOME! There are some great divers in Illinois and that includes one of our guys! GREAT JOB JONATHAN!!! CONGRATULATIONS SPARTANS ON AN OUTSTANDING SEASON!!!

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