Sunday, December 9, 2007

GBN Wins JV Sprint Classic!

Every time we go to a meet at St. Charles North, I dread getting a phone call from Vlad after the meet, it just never turns out to be good. Thankfully this year there were no calls, but I did get a little nervous when I saw 2 text messages from Vlad. New year, new form of messaging (yeah, I'm new with the texting), and MUCH BETTER results. We sent a patch work crew over to St. Charles and did they ever STEP UP. We were missing our sick and wounded, guys taking ACT's, and even pulled one guy off the bus to fill in at the Varsity meet. Vlad said it was one of the best TEAM performances he has seen, the guys really got up and supported each other. Lots of hardware won, lots of event champions, lots of lifetime bests. Here are the results.

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