Friday, June 13, 2008

Vlad - An American Story

Our own, beloved Vlad became a U.S. citizen today! Passed his citizenship test/interview and took his oath all in the same day. No more threats to have him deported, he's here for good and we couldn't be happier. Next stop, Omaha and the Olympic Trials, the U.S. Olympic Trials!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Class of 2008

Graduation Day! 4 years, gone in a blink of an eye. Congratulations to Melissa Kolod and John Montgomery for winning the GBN Swimming & Diving Alumni Association Scholarship at the Awards Assembly and to Tommy Gilbert for being awarded the Spartan Sportsmanship Award at the Senior Athletic Banquet. Congrats Class of 2008 and good luck, stay in touch. HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!